We’d like to provide an update as we continue to move forward the claims review process over the summer months.
Call Center
We recognize that people are waiting for more updates on their individual applications and are experiencing delays with our call center and response time with email inquiries. We understand how hard this waiting is and hear your frustrations. Please know we are actively working on a solution to expand the call center and will provide more information on this as soon as it is ready. Thank you for your patience.
Applications in progress
As mentioned in our previous update, we are actively reaching out to individuals whose applications are in progress. If you haven’t already, you can expect to hear from us by letter or email over the next few months.
As part of this outreach, some people have received a supplementary claim form requesting additional information. The supplementary claim form is to support applications in cases where no official wardship or adoption records could be found as a result of the Administrator’s search.
This can happen when the claim goes back to events that happened many years ago, and it is certainly no fault of the individual applicants. It would not be fair to deny anyone’s application because official records were lost or destroyed. The supplemental claim form is designed to prevent that situation and resolve the missing information while reducing paperwork as much as possible for applicants. The form is not asking applicants to retell everything that happened, just the main facts and dates so that we can ensure the claim is handled properly and the potential eligibility of the individual is not impacted.
As a reminder, only people who receive this form in the mail need to complete it. If you received a request to complete a supplemental claims form, please know that it is your right to receive legal support for help with this form at no cost to you.
We’d also like to remind everyone that Class Counsel is available to support you if you need help providing more information for your application (including completing a supplemental claim form) or have received an “Official Notice of Rejection” and want your application to be reconsidered.
Applicants have a right to legal counsel and advice throughout the claims process. This support is already paid for under the settlement agreement and is available to you at no cost. You can reach the legal teams responsible for providing you support at the numbers listed on our Contact page.
And finally, you may have noticed we recently refreshed this website in an effort to make it easier for you to navigate and find what you’re looking for. We are continuing to update the FAQs and make improvements to the site. We are currently working on a new “Resources” section and that will be ready in the coming weeks.